Those hot summer days working in the garden, fixing things around the house or hours in the sunlight can dry out your hands.
No big deal, just lather on some hand lotion, right?
In the book Secrets the Beauty Industry Doesn't Want You to Know David Pollock writes: "skin creams can actually increase signs of aging." Emulsifiers are binding agents that let oil and water mix in those moisturizers and lotions.
They leave a residue on the skin that affects your lipid barrier, allowing water to evaporate from the skin faster. Basically, the effect quickly fades, skin dries out again and you’re soon in need of more moisturizer.
Soon, you’re buying more just to keep up with the dry skin cycle.
Deborah Niemann, author of the new book Ecothrifty: Cheaper, Greener Choices for a Happier, Healthier Life, recommends sunflower oil to moisturize your skin.
Sunflower oil is an excellent hand lotion because it’s thinner and absorbs quickly. With Vitamin E making up over 40% of its content, it also helps repair skin naturally.
Our all natural cold pressed Sunflower oil has zero chemicals, fragrances, or artificial colorings - which are found in most hand lotions.
You’d Love How This Feels…
Try pouring a small amount of Akasha Beauty Oil into your hand and massage it on your hands, elbows, or feet. Mother nature’s natural skin lotion goes to work immediately without any smell and lasts for hours.
People who face dry, cracked hands would love our Akasha Beauty Oil. It goes to work immediately without any scents or perfume and lasts for hours.
Thank you for being part of our mission for natural, healthy skincare.
And as always, be well!
With Love,
Kriss and the Akasha Beauty Team 💖